Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Community Treasure

Patrick County is such a wonderful place in which to live because of caring, compassionate people who seek to serve others above themselves. Jesse Mae Vernon exemplifies these admirable qualities as well as anyone in the community. On Sunday afternoon, Apr. 26th, I was honored to be among the many citizens who attended a reception in the John D. Hooker Memorial Building at Rotary Field in Stuart in honor of Ms. Vernon, who celebrated her 90th birthday on Thursday, Apr. 23rd. Despite the fact that she has enjoyed 9 decades of life, Ms. Vernon has the energy and vitality of a much younger person. Apparently in relatively good health as she reaches this milestone in her life, Ms. Vernon is still highly active in her family, her church, and the community.

Ms. Vernon dedicated her life to serving the youth of the county during a 34-year career as one of Patrick County's most beloved and respected teachers. In her retirement, she has been kept quite busy, attending bible study and being involved in various church activities including serving the homemade ice cream for which her church, Concord United Methodist, is widely known, volunteering for the American Red Cross blood drives in Patrick County, being a member of the Patrick County Retired Teacher's Association, and assisting in various other community functions. According to her son Charles Vernon, Jesse Mae still cooks Sunday dinner for about 25 members of the family, does yard work (recently she spread two truck loads of mulch to keep her lawn beautiful), and is always there when anyone in the community is in need of assistance and prayer. Her focus is always on others, never on herself.

Asked about her secret to a long, successful life, Jesse Mae jokingly replied, "I inherated these good Ayers' genes." Actually, said Ms. Vernon, "being active" is the key to her happy and healthy life.

Speaking personally, Jesse Mae Vernon is an inspiration! She is an example of the kind of person that I aspire to be even thought I tend to fall far short of the standards of excellence in family, church, and community service that she has established. She is a wonderful role model for us all! You are truly a community treasure, Jesse Mae. Happy 90th birthday and many, many more!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Play Ball!

Some slightly aging and somewhat inactive muscles will be stretched to the limit this Friday night for a great cause in our community. Come out to the old ballpark at Rotary Field in Stuart this Friday evening, Apr. 24th, and help "Strike Out Cancer"! Yes, get involved in the war on cancer and have a fun evening with your family and friends. Attend a benefit softball game to raise funds in the Patrick County's American Cancer Society Relay for Life campaign.

The opening ceremony will involve Boy Scout Troop #65, Pastor David Freeman, and Rachel and Holly Williams. The ladies' game at 6:00 p.m. will pit "The Pink Panthers" team (inspector Clouseau would be so proud of Amy Fain, Sandra Heath, and their teammates) against "The Purple Power" team the purple pride of Patrick County. The men's game at 7:00 p.m. will be a hard-fought battle of Paul Bunyon-like ballplayers as "The Hardwoods" go against "The Tree Toppers". In the consolation game to follow, Wilbur Walker's Patrick Henry VA-Carolina Seniors will try to keep pace with the junior sluggers, playing one of the men's teams in the nightcap. The evening will bring some highly competitive softball action and undoubtedly lots of laughs as well. Admission is only $2...Food and drinks will be sold by the Hilltop Hustlers for a Cure Relay for Life Team. Great family entertainment at a bargain price! All proceeds will go to Patrick County's Relay for Life efforts to help find a cure for cancer and fund programs and survives for local cancer survivors and caregivers.

Thanks to the teams which will include several Patrick County High School alumni softball players and past Patrick County Recreation League players as well as many other avid softball enthusiasts in the community. For more information call Sandra Heath, Annette Freeman or Jessica Slate at 694-2707. Now "PLAY BALL"!

Other upcoming Relay for Life fund-raisers this weekend: The FCCLA Fighters from Patrick County High School will hold a bake sale Saturday, Apr. 25th, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Wal-Mart in Stuart...Angels in the Outfield will serve a country breakfast Saturday from 7-10 a.m. at Ross Harbour UMC, Elamsville Road. Cost, $6 adults and $3 children. The Women of Faith will hold a yard Sale Friday and Saturday, Apr. 24 and 25th, beginning at 8 a.m. each day at New Hope UMC on Clark House Farm Rd. Breakfast and lunch will be available. Of course, the "purple potty" will continue to make its rounds in the community as a fund-raiser of Five Star Mountain Momories Relay for Life team. Thanks for your support of the fight against cancer in our community. For more information visit the website or call 1-800-ACS-2345 or 694-6125. Let's stamp out cancer in our community!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

A Day of Remembrance

Today, as an alumnus of Virginia Tech, my thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the 32 victims of the tragic massacre in Blacksburg two years ago on Apr. 16, 2007. Today, I seek to honor the memory of those who died in this tragedy in our own backyard that both shocked and changed the world.

On this somber anniversary, I am reminded that, in this troubled world, LIFE, in all its preciousness, can be taken away in an instant. Life's frailty demands that we place our lives in God's care and control completely, try to live each moment fully, and love and serve one another freely. God bless.


Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Beauty of Easter!

Epitomizing spring, the season of rebirh and renewal, Easter is perhaps the most beautiful and refreshing time of the year. And this Easter day may be the most beautiful that I have ever seen. I started my day by rising early for a 6:45 a.m. Easter sunrise service at my church, delightfully becoming first acquainted with the glory of this day.

I can't imagine a day being more blessed with beauty than this one, Sunday, April 12, 2009, Easter Sunday! By the same token, I can not imagine anyone being more blessed than you and me to be able to behold and enjoy a day like this in all its natural splendor. The sky is the bluest I can remember seeing it with nary a cloud to block the brilliant sunshine that warms my soul as if it is proceeding directly from the smile of God :0). The grass is green and lush, just begging for bare feet and Easter eggs to be hidden beneath its verdant blades. A fresh breeze caresses the body, signaling us that God Himself is constantly near if we just take the time to experience Him. The birds are chirping the happiest of tunes, rejoicing in the peace that permeates this magnificent day. Under the Lord's precise climate control, the afternoon weather conditions are simply supurb in every way. The mountains are magnificant. God is the most masterful of artists! To step outside on a radiant and picturesque day like today is to be surrounded by irrefutable evidence of God's certain existence, His unconditional love, and His abiding grace.

Truly, as the beloved gospel song inspired by King David's words in Psalm 118 states, "This is the day that the Lord hath made, we will rejoice and be glad in it." Above all, let us rejoice in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Savior! Because Jesus paid our sin debt by shedding His precious blood while suffering on Calvary's cross and because He is risen, we, who are Christians, have atonement and freedom from the sins that once bound us and the hope of an eternity in our Lord's presence in paradise. We have the blessed assurance of eternal life in Heaven simply by our faith in Christ through God's grace. I certainly believe! This is the essence of Easter! Because Jesus lives, believers share in the victory of life over death that He achieved when truimphantly from the grave He arose. That, my friend, is the real beauty of Easter!

As we go forth from this indecribably beautiful Easter day, let's strive to allow this spirit of rebirth and renewal in Christ to engulf and bring us joy every day of our lives. Praise the Lord! To God be the glory! Hallelujah! Amen!

Happy Easter,