Monday, August 27, 2007

Local Election Campaign Heating Up!

It looks like Patrick County's local election campaign is going to be as hot as the steamy weather that we've struggled to endure during the entire month of August! That became quite evident during the Thurs., Aug. 23, 2007, "Meet the Candidates" forum hosted by the Dobyns Community Club. A standing room only crowd of 107 people jammed the small Dobyns Community Building greatly taxing the building's air conditioning system. The hot topic of debate in the aftermath of this meeting is the unwillingness of some citizens in the room to hear from a representative of write-in candidate Darrell Bowling in the sheriff's race. One caller on "Community Conversation" said he felt this action represented a violation of our consitutional right to free speech...another caller also protested she felt was poor taste by a faction of citizens supporting one of the formal candidates for sheriff. The backlash from this incident could actually favor Bowling, who as a Virginia state trooper is not permitted to campaign directly as a "write-in" contender. The latter caller to my radio talk show said that she had changed her mind and decided to vote for Bowling simply because of the inhospitable treatment received by Bowling's representative, who had been offered an opportunity to speak by moderator David Sheeley before citizens protested that "he is not a candidate" and rejected an offer to allow him to speak. In an effort to prevent a "riot," Sheeley told me on Community Conversation that he decided not to press the issue and to move on with the meeting.

First, let me say that, as a radio talk show host who seeks to be fair to all concerned and to respect the opinions voiced on both sides of each issue, I will remain publicly neutral during this campaign and refrain from endorsing any candidates as I have always done during my radio career. My choices will be made know where it the secrecy of the polling place. I could not attend the candidate's meeting due to another meeting commitment that night and I know only what I heard on the radio news report, but it seems to me that this incident does not reflect well upon our county. I believe that we should seek to facilitate the expressions of viewpoints from all sides of issues and allow all those who are candidates for office or representaties thereof to speak. It just seems to me that allowing Mr. Bowling's spokesperson his say would have been much more in keeping with the keen sense of fair play for which Patrick Countians have long been noted. I personally believe that we should strive for openness and free expression of ideas in meetings whether they are publicly or privately conducted. This incident, I believe, is certainly not typical of fair-minded Patrick County people who are the most gracious, kind, and hospitable in the world. That's why I am so proud to be a native Patrick Countian myself. We don't need the negativity exemplified by this one incident int he heat of the moment. I hope that we can put this unfortunate incident behind us and move forward with a good "clean" campaign that allows the spread of accurate information about each of the candidates so that we as voters can be as informed as possible when we step into the voting booth on Nov. 6th. I congratulate all the candidates on their involvement and wish each the very best during the campaign season and beyond.

The only other comment I have on this matter is that I would like to publicly commend the Dobyns Community Club, generally, and Mr. David Sheeley, specifically, for their community-mindedness and their efforts to encourage the circulation of as much accurate information for the benefit of the electorate as possible in what promises to be a hottly contested elections in several key races. I know that this civic-oriented community organization tried to be as fair and accomodating as possible to everyone involved in the "Meet the Candidates" night. David did a great job under some very difficult circumstances and he and the Dobyns Community Club are to be applauded for their efforts.

Feel free to let me know how you stand on this and other important local issues. Your comments are welcome.

Speaking my mind as a proud Patrick Countian,
Richard Rogers

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