Sunday, December 14, 2008

Taking a Break!

As much as I love my job hosting "The Great Day in the Morning Show" weekdays from 6-10 a.m. on 1270 AM-WHEO, the Heart of Patrick County, it's time to take a break! I'll be taking a week off beginning Monday, Dec. 15th to relax a little, rest my voice, renew my spirit, and rekindle my creativity and enthusiasm. I've been trying in recent months to eat healthy foods, work out daily, get more rest, and generally take better care of myself. However, getting up around 4:00 every morning and going full steam all day long at work, at home, and in my community activities over an extended period of time can really wear you down. Hopefully, a little time off will help me to rebuild my strength, physically and mentally, and allow me to get over the nagging flu-like illness that has been so hard for many of us to shake this season. In order to avoid burnout, every now and then, you've just got to get away from the everyday grind. To put it in terms of mobility, you've got to pull over and get out of the fast lane, and slowly traverse the scenic and peaceful backroads of life for a change.

For the next week, I'll keep busy I'm sure...Christmas shopping (I'm doing more of that on line this year and loving it), decorating my home for the holidays, and taking care of many things in my personal and domestic life that I have neglected because of a lack of time or a misuse thereof. It will be nice, however, to be free of the daily obligations, deadlines, and commitments that are a constant part of our busy lives. For a dramatic change, I plan to do what I want, when I want to do it...or to do nothing at all if I so feel like it. One thing I plan to do for sure is to enjoy some quiet time spent in front of my fireplace enjoying the glittering lights on my Christmas tree. I also plan to take a little more time to do something that I all to often fail to do on a daily my Bible!

Thanks to Lacey Harbour and Stephen Walker for filling in for me on "The Great Day in the Morning Show" and to the WHEO management for allowing me some time off. I am very thankful and praise God that I have a job, especially considering that many unfortunate citizens of our community are facing unemployment and other hardships during this deep economic recession. I am also grateful that I am able physically and mentally to work and earn a living doing what I enjoy. I am blessed as well with a loving family and many dear friends and loved ones who have been urging me to slow down a little. Well, for the next week, I'm going to listen to them! I'll miss the many faithful listeners who tell me they wake up to my voice each morning but for the next week I'm going to forget that radio was ever invented! Well, time is awasting. I must get on with this all-too-new-to-me business doing WHATEVER I WANT or NOTHING AT ALL! See 'ya!

Love :O) forever,

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