Monday, January 12, 2009

It Sure is Monday!

Hi everybody. I hope you all got the new week off to a better start than I did this morning. For me, this Monday is living up to its melancholy reputation. If you called me a "knucklehead" right now, I'd probably agree with you. This morning, when leaving home around 5:00 to come to sign the radio station on the air, I accidentally backed into my garage door. ZAP! BOOM!! POW!!! You see, I have a two-car garage and unfortunately when I hit the remote control button to raise the door, I pushed the wrong one, raising the door on the other side of the garage instead of the one directly behind the vehicle I was driving. I learned that grim reality when I heard a CRUNCH when I hit reverse and started to back out of the garage. The door is kind of crumpled to say the least. In addition to having to repair or replace the garage door, my tuck will require a little cosmetic touch-up. I scuffed up the tailgate of my little red Chevy S-10 pick-up (which I had just washed and shined up on Sunday). Yeah, as the classic country songs goes, "It sure is Monday!"

I almost added insult to injury. When I finally got away from my home, somewhat shaken after the garage door drama, and headed along Handy Road on my way to work, I narrowly missed slamming into a speedy deer that dashed in front of my already scarred truck narrowly missing his calling to that great hunting ground in the sky. Wheeewww! A close encounter for sure... but thankfully my little red truck, which has come into contact with more than a few deer over the years as I travel to work in the pre-dawn hours, won't need repairs to the front end (just the rear). I was thankful that, by a hair, I missed the deer but I knew right then and there that this was probably going to be a tougher than usual Monday. One caller to my radio show this morning tried to put a positive spin on the situation, saying that if I had not been delayed by my rendezvous with the garage door, I would probably have hit the deer. Maybe so! I suppose I feel somewhat consoled but I still wish I had my garage door and my tailgate back the way they were! Oh well, mistakes happen (especially for me) I'll swallow my pride, put on a smile, and go on with the thought that this day can only get better!

Have a great one!

God is good and, despite the early hardships of this day, I still have many blessings to count!


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