Saturday, March 17, 2007

Missing Marcie!

The WHEO radio family will certainly miss Marcie Horne, the talented young radio personality who departed from the airways this week. I am personally saddened that Marcie has chosen to end her association with the radio station but I certainly understand that there are times in life when we feel led to move on to something new.

Marcie is a rare talent! Although she had no previous broadcast experience when we hired her, Marcie, a wonderful bluegrass singer with a beautiful voice, caught on to radio immediately and quickly developed an on-air personality that attracted a large following of faithful listeners. I am proud to have recruited Marcie for her position at WHEO, having met her during Patrick County Music Association jamborees and having interviewed her on my "Community Conversation" show as a music artist before I found out she was looking for a job. Marcie was an asset to our radio statio. She will be a hard act to follow! Marcie, I personally wish you and your family...husband James and 4 boys...a bright future and God's richest blessings. You, Marcie, will always be the WHEO DIVA! Love ya!

Catch "The Great Day in the Morning Show" Monday through Friday from 6-10 a.m. at "The Heart of Patrick County, 1270 WHEO"! Coming up this week on Community Conversation: Monday, Lock Boyce "Patrick County Topics" (8:10 a.m.) and Lynn Bechdolt of MedAssist (prescription medication assistance service) (9:30 a.m.)...Tuesday, Eric Monday "It's The Law" (8:10) and Lois Collier, Citizens Against Family Violence (9:30 a.m.)...Wednesday, Alpha Hiatt (project to send care packages to troops in Iraq) (8:10 a.m.)...Thursday, gospel singerSue Nester (8:10), Youth Evangelist Jason Kerr (9:05), and teachers Robert Cozart, Linda Dauman, and Tina Conner (Big Band Bash for Community/Schools Partnership for the Arts) (9:30 a.m.)...Friday, Ward Armstrong (8:10 a.m.) and Open Mike (9:30 a.m.). These will all be interesting guests so don't miss the WHEO Morning Call-In Show, Community Conversation.

Until next time, may our Lord bless you with a "great day"!

At your service,



Charlie Bishop said...

I just stumbled across your new blog, Richard.

Welcome to the Virginia Blog Community. It has been somewhat lonely here, being one of the very few Henry/Patrick County bloggers.

I work in Stuart, let's have lunch sometime at Honduras Coffee.

Unknown said...

Wanted to clarify a point that good friend Lock Boyce said on the Monday radio show. People are not formost moving to Patrick County because of low taxes, yes they appreciate that but that is far down the list of why. Beautiful mountains, safe enviroment, friendly people, low population (for some much needed space) downsizing, much lower priced property and taxes then where they come from. They are not demanding but would like perks such as wellness centers (considering baby boomers are the most concentrated group coming here)rail trails, anything that would compliment our great quality of life.
Karen Wilson
Associate Broker with United Country Real Estate