Sunday, May 20, 2007

"Relay" on a Roll!

"WOW!" That's how American Cancer Society Regional Director Janet Reynolds described Patrick County's unbelievable contribution to this year's Relay for Life fundraising event, an annal offensive in the war on cancer. Boosted by a total of $17,240 (pledges and donations) during Friday's "12 Hours for a Cure" WHEO radio-thon, it appears that this year's "Relay" will raise an overall sum of more than $55,000. When the final figures are in, Patrick County's contribution to the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life this year could approach $60,000, according to local Relay co-chairperson Betty Conner. "Thank you, thank you, thank you," she said to the community for the "team effort" that has apparently made this the most successful Relay for Life event in Patrick County's history. This year's unofficial Relay for Life total is about 6 times higher than last year's paltry total of about $9,000. Overall, we have about tripled this year's $18,000 Relay for Life goal. "Awesome" is how American Cancer Society Community Manager Robin Minter described our citizens. "I am thankful that God sent me to Patrick County," said Minter, commending county residents for their unfailing support of worthy causes.

The WHEO Relay for Life team "The Kilowatts for a Cure," which organized Friday's all day radio marathon in memory of my wife, "my Sweetie," Sandra Merritt Rogers, also extends heartfelt thanks to Patrick County for the overwhelming support you gave our efforts to raise funds to continue the search for a cancer cure and to provide local patient service and public education programs. Personally speaking, Friday will always be remembered as one of the highlights of my more than 30 year radio career, a long day (12 and a half hours on the air) filled with many touching and unforgettable moments that will always be treasured. Thanks for the memories, Patrick County!

I would like to thank the WHEO staff for its teamwork in helping me to organize and conduct the radio-thon. I believe that this effort united our radio staff as much as it did our community as a whole. I would also like to thank the many other individuals, businesses, musicians, and others in our community who were instrumental in making "12 Hours for a Cure" a success. On behalf of my family and Sandra's, I would also like to thank State Sen. Roscoe Reynolds and Patrick County School Superintendent Judy Lacks who presented a General Assembly resolution and a plaque, respectively, honoring Sandra's life and her distinguished 24-year career in the Patrick County Public School system.

It is imperative that we collect all of the tax deductible radio-thon pledges as soon as possible so that it can be put to use promptly to help fund the research required to find a cure for cancer. If you haven't done so, please bring or mail your donation to WHEO, 3824 Wayside Rd., Stuart, 24171, so that we can mark your name off the list as a "paid" contributor in the war on cancer. (Make checks payable to the American Cancer Society).

Friday's radio-thon not only raised $17,240 for cancer research and programs like "Road to Recovery" that provides free transportation to cancer patients who have no way to get to their treatments, but the radio fundraiser, it seems to me, help to bring us together as a community. As we united together in working toward a common cause, we put aside our personal problems, worries, concerns, and differences, and worked together to achieve a commendable goal. The results were astounding! Find satisfaction and take great pride in the fact that our collective involvement in this great cause has brought us nearer to a cancer-free tomorrow and much closer as a community! I am so proud of you all, fellow Patrick Countians, and I am honored to live here in your midst in this special place that we adore as home. In the aftermath of this most successful radio-thon, I can truly say that we have demonstrated once again that Patrick County's people are the most caring and compassionate folks in the world. Patrick Countians always come together to meet the needs of others, especially those who are less fortunate. God has blessed our community. Let's all take pride in who we are and the principals and vaules for which we all stand, together!

With great pride in and love for our community,
Richard T. Rogers, WHEO Radio

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