Sunday, August 19, 2007

Fine Dining with Some "Fishers of Men"

One of the many facets of Nettle Ridge United Methodist Church's active community outreach ministry is its annual fish fry, a tradition that has been enjoyed by hungry patrons for the past approximately 8 years. It is altogether appropriate that delicious fish is the main entree of this meal because the fish figures prominently in the Christian faith. It is symbolic of Jesus Christ, our Savior, and His call to believers to practice Christian discipleship ("Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men," directed Jesus as he called the fishermen in Biblical times and each of us today to be His disciples). The feeding of the 5,000 by Jesus with 2 fish and 5 loaves is the only miracle mentioned in all four of the Gospels of the New Testament.

As I was enjoying my mouthwatering dinner of fried fish and all the trimmings Saturday evening, Aug. 18th in the Nettle Ridge church dining hall, it occured to me that, like Nettle Ridge United Methodist and the many other wonderful churches of our great county, we all have an individual responsibility as Christians to follow Jesus and to be His "fishers of men" while we are here on Earch. This idea was reinforced in my church the following Sunday morning, Aug. 19th, when my pastor Rev. Terry Ragsdale of Peters Creek Baptist Church delivered a sermon on Christian discipleship. The Rev. Ragsdale reminded us all that we, as Christians, have the responsibility to share with others God's love and to be witnesses of Jesus' presence in our lives by sharing through our words and deeds. "Terry," as he is known to friends and the congregation, suggested that in order to be effective witnesses that we always be prepared to share with others familiar Bible verses dealing with God's plan of salvation and that we be ready to give our testimony by telling others what God has done for us. We all have a wonderful story to tell about God's blessings in our lives and there are so many out there who are "hungry" to hear the Good News that by faith in Jesus Christ through the grace of God Almighty we have the promise of everlasting life in the paradise of Heaven in our Lord's presence. As Christians, we should be joyful in knowing that great truth and let others witness that joy in us! Let's all cast our lines in the waters of life and try our best of be better "fishers of men." I have a long way to go in setting this example by I challenge myself and others to being more active disciples for Christ. By sharing Jesus with others in a non-imposing and personal way, we can plant seeds that God can cultivate and help to lead others to the same personal relationship with Christ that we treasure.

Thanks again to Nettle Ridge United Methodist Church for their hospitality and a wonderful evening of fantastic fellowship and and fried fish. Until next time, may God bless you with a "great day!"


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