Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A Blessed Heart!

God is certainly gracious and generous as he blesses us daily by supplying all of our needs and even some of our desires. The latest example of how he has blessed me was revealed Monday, Oct. 29th, when I went for my semi-annual check-up at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem, where I have been a patient since I successfully received my transplanted heart 10 years ago. After a battery of tests including a heart catherizaton during my day-long stay in the hospital, my cardiologist informed me that I am doing fine and that I remain the "poster boy" for the Baptist Hospital heart transplant program, one of the most respected in the country. God has lifted me up from a state of near death with a failing heart 10 years ago to where I am today as a highly active healthy individual who has been blessed me with new life through the gift of a transplanted heart provided by dear 16-year-old donor and received on Oct. 1, 1997. The Lord still performs miracles. I am one of them!

This blessing of a new heart is even more profound when I consider that the longest surviving heart transplant recipient in the country, according to my doctor, has survived with a near heart for almost 30 years. I am one-third the way to matching that mark, and looking forward to using my new heart to help me serve the Lord however long he allows me to remain here before bringing me home to be with Sandra in Heaven.

I am blessed not only with good health but a supportive family. For instance, my mother and stepfather, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Mae Ray, transported me to and from my appointment Monday since doctors won't let heart cath patients drive immediate after the procedure. I am also greatly blessed with the ability to work and to support myself. (By the way, thanks Marcie for doing my show Monday while I went for my medical exam.) I am particularly thankful to be the host of "The Great Day in the Morning Show" on WHEO since I returned to my beloved home county ofPatrick 13 days after I received my transplanted heart a decade ago. I am blessed to be able to continue a more than 30-year broadcast career that began at this precious little radio station in the late 1960's when I was in high school. In addition, I have been richly blessed and surrounded by many faithful friends who have offered up prayers for me, send gifts, and shown me many other kindnesses. I am blessed in a myriad of other ways that I will leave unspoken for now but for which I am truly thankful to God. My blessings are countless. Consider yours. I am sure you can say that yours are countless too!

Until next time, may God bless you with a "great day." He has me...

Full of gratitude,

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