Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Think to the Thankful!

"I've got so much to thank Him for....God has been so good to me" goes a familiar gospel song by one of my favorite groups, the Southern Prophets. Indeed, we all have much for which to be thankful. We have been blessed far beyond what we as imperfect, sinful human beings deserve by a gracious Lord God Almighty who is always willing to grant His children unmerited favor because he loves us far beyond our ability to comprehend.

As I count my blessings this Thanksgiving season, I am grateful first and foremost that Jesus shed his blood on Calvary's cross to free us of the bondage of our sins. I am joyfully thankful too that by faith in Christ I have the hope of enjoying eternity in the paradise of Heaven reunited with loved ones some of whom have already been called home to be with God.

I also express my gratitude for a loving and supportive Christian family, for the many friends who never cease to amaze me by their expressions of loving kindness to me, for the opportunity to be a proud and patriotic American and to live in the most wonderful place among God's creations, Patrick County. I am so thankful too for those courageous soldiers who have been willing to give their lives so that we can enjoy the freedoms and the relatively high quality of life that we are blessed with in this country and even more so in this county!

I am thankful to be relatively healthy at age 56 and for the 16-year-old donor who gave his heart a decade ago that I might continue to live when death seemed certain. I am also appreciative of the fact that I am able to work to support myself and to make my living doing what I love to do, radio broadcasting. In that regard, I say 'thank you Lord' for the faithful listeners who tune in to "The Great Day in the Morning Show" every morning and whose encouragement keeps me focused and energized when the stresses and demands of the job make me weary and worn physically and mentally. What a blessing you are! Yes, you, my listeners, are among the many blessings that I am counting this Thanksgiving and always. You are more than just listeners, you are my friends and a part of my family!

I pray that God has blessed each of you as much as He has me. Happy Thanksgiving!

A thankful heart,

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