Sunday, April 20, 2008

Easter Brothers Honored

It was great to see Mr. Ed Easter and his brothers James and Russell Saturday night at the 2nd annual "Singing for a Cure," an event organized by Vernon and Linda Harris to raise money for their American Cancer Society Relay for Life team, the Hilltop Hustlers for a Cure. This year, Vernon decided to use the singing to honor Ed Easter, who is now undergoing treatments for cancer. Mr. Easter, accompanied by his wife Anne and a son, accepted Vernon's invitation to attend the benefit singing at the Virginia Motorsports Museum auditorium in Stuart and came briefly on stage to thank everyone for their support. James and Russell Easter also came to show their support for their brother.

During the singing, Vernon recounted to the audience how as a youngster his first exposure to music came when his parents took him to performances by the Lewis Family and the Easter Brothers. These two legendary music families are connected through the marriage of Jeff and Sherri Easter. Jeff is the son of James Easter and Sherri's mother is a member of the Lewis family. Both Vernon and guest singer Debbie Bennett told of the positive influence that the Easter Brothers have had on their music ministries and many other gospel music artists around the country.

Personally, it was an honor be in the company of the Easter Brothers, which I have long respected for their dedication to serving God through the music that has touched many hearts and changed lives for Christ through the years. I am also honored that Ed and his brothers enjoy listening to "The Great Day in the Morning Show" on WHEO. Please remember my faithful listener, Mr. Ed Easter, in your prayers as he battles cancer.

If you would like to assist Mr. Easter in meeting the many medical expenses that come with cancer treatments, please consider purchasing your copy of the DVD/CD "We Are Family," a concert featuring the Easter Brothers, the Lewis Family, and Jeff and Sherri Easter that was recorded in Mt. Airy, NC. The package DVD/CD package costs $25 and is available for purchase at the WHEO business office and studios at 3824 Wayside Rd., Stuart. All proceeds from the sale of this video/audio package will go to help defray Ed Easter's medical expenses.

You can also help Mr. Easter and others who are battling cancer by "fighting back"... by getting involved in the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life in Patrick County. Please consider joining an existing team, forming a new one, or supporting the fund-raising activities of the approximately 30 current Patrick County teams of volunteer Relayers. Please stay tuned to WHEO for information about the individual Relay team's fund-raising events and support these functions with your presence and your donations.

I wish that more people could have been on hand to greet the Easter Brothers Saturday night. Because of the rainy weather Saturday night and a daylong series of other events, only a little over 50 people attended the singing that featured Vernon and his younger brother Jason Harris with musicians Gale Shockley, Barry Collins, and Tommy Morse; Debbie Bennett; and Upland Express and was emceed by yours truly. Because of the relatively light turnout, only about $300 was raised but as Vernon noted, every cent donated to the fight against cancer is much appreciated and brings us closer to a cure, better treatments, more public education on the importance of cancer prevention and early detection, and programs and services for local cancer patients, their families, and their caregivers.

The most importat way to support the Relay for Life teams in Patrick County as they attempt to raise $52,000 in the next month is to pray for the volunteers and ask God to bless their efforts and to provide for those who suffer from this awful disease.

The biggest fund-raiser of the Relay for Life campaign will come on Friday, May 16th when the WHEO Relay for Life team, the Kilowatts for a Cure in memory of Sandra Rogers will present "Twelve Hours for a Cure II." Last year's radio-thon raised an astounding total of almost $17,500. The 2nd annual Relay for Life radio-thon will feature live entertainment by some 50 or more local singers and musicians, interviews and touching stories of cancer survivors and caregivers, public information from the American Cancer Society on prevention and early detection of cancer, interviews with local Relay for Life Committee and ACS officials, a WHEO radio public "open house" throughout the day, free refreshments, and a day of great fellowship that held the listening public spellbound from sunrise to sunset last year. Thank you in advance for your support of "Twelve Hours for a Cure II" on Fri., May 16 from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. or, if like last year, even longer. To pledge your support in the local battle against cancer, just call 694-3114 or 694-3388 and make a donation during the radio-thon. Until next time, I leave you with my love :O) and a prayer that God will bless you with a "great" day and a cancer FREE life!

Kilowatt for a Cure,

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