Sunday, July 5, 2009

God Bless Our Country

As we get back to our routines following the celebration of America's Independence Day or 233rd birthday, let's all be thankful, not just on the Fourth of July but each day, to live in this great nation. Our country is far from perfect and our elected leaders often seem to be serving themselves and powerful special interest groups rather than the people who elected them. However, the United States of America is still the most prosperous and powerful country on earth and a blessing to those of us who are proud to live here.

Today, more than ever, America faces many daunting challenges that threaten our standard of living and our way of life. That is why it is important for Americans to be very vigilant and make every effort to stay abreast of what is happening in our country and the world in which we live. Brought closer than ever together by technology, today's global society and economy increasingly impact our country and its citizens. We all need to inform ourselves of the issues that directly affect our lives and get involved in the process of choosing leaders who will work for what is good for the country as a whole and not just furthering their own political careers.

Over the years since we declared our independence on July 4, 1776, it seems that we have gotten away from the vision of our founding fathers of being a nation that turns to God for guidance in its dealings at home and abroad. We as Americans need to pray daily for our country and the leaders to whom we have entrusted the reins of our government. We need to be especially grateful for our soldiers who are out their in the trouble spots of the world each day defending and paying the ongoing price for these freedoms that we have fought so hard to secure. Let's ask God to bless and guide us as we strive to guide our great but wayward country back to its roots as "one nation under God". As proud Americans, let's reaffirm that truly "in God we trust." God bless America.


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