Sunday, September 9, 2007

Baptism is Beautiful!

Baptism is beautiful...especially the old-fashioned kind! And when the person being baptized is a young new Christian, it is even more beautiful. This past Sunday, on a brilliant late summer afternoon in one of the most scenic places in Patrick County, i.e. "God's Country", I was honored to be among approximately 50 people who gathered on the banks of the Dan River in the Kibler Valley for the old-fashioned baptizing in the river of young new Chrisian, Catherine Conner, the precious daughter of Herbert and Tina Conner of Stuart and a student at Stuart Elementary School. The ceremony, conducted by Rev. Jim Churchwell and Mark Collins, was a beautiful and touching experience that reminded me of the day long ago when I accepted Jesus into my heart, was baptized, and had my sins washed away as a new-born Christian.

Coming to know the Lord and to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior is most important decision that a person can ever make in his earthly life. It is the greatest act that we can accomplish in this life. Baptist, it seems to me, symbolizes the covenant that we make with God when we receive Jesus into our hearts and being our walk in newness of life with Christ as the focus of that life. It is particularly wonderful that when a person who accepts Christ at a young age, as Catherine did, has virtually a whole life ahead of them to rejoice in their eternal salvation and to serve and to glorify Him.

As Catherie's parents, who are popular local gospel singers, sang "Shall We Gather at the River" before her emersion in the chilly waters of the Dan, it occured to me that there is something about an old-fashioned river baptizing that touches the heart and brings us closer to God. I felt the Holy Spirit in our midst Sunday afternoon, and I am sure that the fellow Christians who were gathered with me felt God's presence too. It is a shame that the old timey baptizings of the past are so rare in today's modern, hurry-up world. It was nice to just sit on the banks of the river enjoying the beauty of God's creations and taking time to allow him to speak to the heart while welcoming a young new soul into the family of God. The beauty of the setting for Catherine's baptisimal ceremony in the picturesque Kibler Valley was overwhelming, reminding me that as Christians we have the hope by grace through faith in Christ of enjoying eternity in an even more beautiful paradise, the paradise of Heaven.

Let's all keep Catherine in our prayers as she embarks upon her new life in Christ...and try to reflect Jesus' presence in our hearts by the way we live our lives, that others may come to know him through us. "Let your light so shine among me that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven." (Matthew 5:16)

Until next time, may God bless you with a "great day"!

Love in Christ,

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