Sunday, September 30, 2007

Take Pride in Patrick County Schools!

Congratulations to Patrick County's seven public schools on a remarkable achievement. All of our public schools in Patrick County were honored on Fri., Sept. 28th for having achieved Full Accreditation and having met Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) benchmarks. During an assembly in the Patrick County High School auditorium to celebrate the accomplishment, Patrick County school administrators, teachers, and school staff and support personnel were joined by dignitaries from the state and federal governments who came to town to offer their personal congratulations to our schools for their academic excellence. Among the special guests were Virginia's Secretary of Education, Dr. Thomas Morris, who, with ties to Horsepasture, is the 5th cousin of Patrick County School Superintendent Dr. Rogers Morris; Fred W. Hutchins, Regional Representative of U.S. Senator Jim Webb, and State Sen. Roscoe Reynolds.

To quote that noted observer of American society Barney Fife, Dr. Thomas Morris said, "this is big, this is real big!" Indeed it is "BIG"! Dr. Roger Morris, School Superintendent, said that of the 132 school divisions in Virginia, Patrick County is one of only 23 school systems in which all schools meet AYP and one of only 18 divisions where all the schools and the division as a whole meet AYP. Dr. Roger Morris added that Patrick County is in an "elite group" in terms of outstanding educational performance! Superintendent Morris attributed the phenomenal achievement to the "combined effort" of all personnal in the Patrick County Public Schools, not just the teachers. We are all part of a puzzle that when put together makes a "beautiful picture," Dr. Rogers Morris noted.

This accomplishment demonstrates that, by working together, Patrick Countians get the most out of their school dollars. Being a relatively poor rural county, we are not blessed with the enormous resources that some of the larger, more affluent counties have, but an excellent staff of outstanding veteran educators and promising young teachers working closely with parents, local officials, and citizens of the community has made Patrick County Public Schools the pride of our country, our state, and our nation. Let's all get involved and stay involved to insure that our public schools maintain and build upon this stellar record of educational excellence. It truly does take a community to educate a child. Keep up the good work, Patrick County!

I am also proud of Patrick Countians for their caring, compassion, and generosity that has been demonstrated time and time again. The latest example came last Thursday when listeners of "The Great Day in the Morning Show" on 1270-WHEO pledged and donated $2,200 to help fight Alzheimer's Disease in our community. That was a big part of the total of more than $5,000 raised by the 4th annual Memory Walk and Ride, sponsored by the Patrick County Alzheimer's Group LLC Sat., Sept. 29th at Dominion Valley Park. Thank you so much Patrick County for faithfully supporting this and many other worthwhile fundraising causes. Please mail donations to: Patrick County Alzheimer's Group, P.O. Box 1301, Stuart, VA 24171.

With pride in Patrick,
Richard Rogers

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