Sunday, May 25, 2008

Memorial Day, A Time to Remember

It is time to honor the memory of the millions of brave Americans who made the ultimate sacrifice to secure and protect the freedoms that we enjoy and sometimes take for granted. Those liberties that are the hallmark of our great country were won more than two-and-a-quarter centuries ago and have since been defended against many foes because courageous men and women were willing to give their lives for the country that they loved. "Freedom is not free," my friend and Patrick Country veteran Bob Knight has often said. It is indeed obtained at great cost.

This Memorial Day, let's reverently commemorate those American men and women who have perished in military service to our country. Let's also be grateful to live in a country built on Godly ideals that are worth dying for. Although many times I am frustrated by the leadership of this country and the partisan politics that sometimes, it seems to me, hinders politicians from acting in the best interest of all Americans, I am proud of the United States of America and thankful to be an American citizen.

It is important that we all honor our fallen heroes and pledge, in whatever ways possible, to serve our country and make this land that they were willing to die for a better place to live! That way their sacrifices will never have been in vain. We are losing our military veterans at a rapid rate. An average of 1,800 veterans die each day, and 10% are buried in the country's 125 national cemeteries, which are expected to set a record with 107,000 interments, including dependents, this year. An estimated 686,000 veterans died in 2007, according to USA Today. While many World War II veterans are dying, so are an increasing number of Korean and Vietnam veterans.

Whether you attend a Memorial Day service or just pause in silent tribute to our nation's deceased soldiers, always remember their sacrifices and seek to honor their memory in every way possible. As we reflect upon the true meaning of Memorial Day, it is also fitting to lift up those who are defending our country on world battlefields today. God bless our American soldiers and the U.S.A! May it always be a country that can truly say, "In God We Trust!"

Patriotically yours,

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