Sunday, June 8, 2008

A 6-Year-Old Radio Sensation!

Hi :O)! Despite the oppressive heat, I attended various events in the community this past weekend, including yard sales, bake sales, car washes, breakfasts, lunches, and even a late afternoon picnic. Everywhere I go in the community (events, restaurants, grocery stores, on the street, you name it) people tell me how much they enjoy the newest segment of my WHEO morning radio show, Madison's Moments. Heard at about 7:15 weekday mornings Madison's Moments features Madison Stowe, a 6-year-old Trinity Christian School honor student who is enjoying her summer vacation (and eating lots of her favorite foods like strawberries, watermelon, cucumbers, tomatoes, and fresh cherries).

In her little more than one month on the radio, Madison has become a 6-year-old radio sensation! Not a day goes by without someone, usually several people, telling me that Madison's morning radio program puts them in a wonderful frame of mind as they prepare to meet the challenges of the day ahead. Listeners also tell me frequently that Madison is a real blessing and an inspiration to them. I couldn't agree more! Madison is truly a blessing to our county and a real asset to my show and our community-minded radio station. She has a very special child's radio ministry indeed! I am proud to play a small part in it!

Madison is one of the sweetest children you will ever meet! As pretty as a little doll, she is well behaved, very polite, courteous, respectful of others, mature beyond her years, and a delight to work and play with (each time she comes to the radio station to pre-record her programs, we take a little time for some fun and games too). Ask her if she would like to recite one of the many Bible verses that she has memorized at her school, and she will readily share with you her favorites passages from the Word of God, recalling each verse perfectly from memory! In her popular radio feature, Madison's Moments, Madison, whom I have affectionately nicknamed "my little radio buddy," recites a Bible verse and relates the scripture to everyday life, giving listeners a child's perspective on Christian living. It is a wonderful radio ministry and I am proud to have Madison as part of my radio show, which, as most of you know, is a very important part of my life (It certainly consumes a great deal of my time!).

I would like to thank Madison for enhancing my radio program, The Great Day in the Morning Show, and helping my listeners get the day off to a positive start. I hope that she will continue to do her program for many years to come. It will be interesting to listen to her progress and to get her perspective on life as she grows older. I would also like to personally thank Madison's mother, Shannon Stowe, for bringing Madison to the radio station for our weekly recording sessions and for working with Madison so patiently and helping her to select the material that goes into her show (often while multi-tasking, tending to Madison's 2-year-old sister Kaitlyn at the same time). Madison's father is Jeryl Stowe of Stuart. She is the granddaughter of Jimmy and Othelia Stowe of Stuart and Diana Overby of Lawsonville, NC, and the late Ronnie Overby (who, I am sure, is listening in and watching over her from Heaven). God bless Madison and her family!

By the way, congratulations to Madison, a member of Brownie Troop 1215, who was recently honored for being the number one sales person in Girl Scout cookie sales this year. Madison sold a remarkable 1,257 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies, by far the most of any girl in the county. The next highest person sold 393 boxes. I must admit that I consumed a few boxes in support of Madison's efforts myself. Keep up the great work school, as a Brownie, in everything you do, and on the radio as "my little radio buddy"!

Madison is part of what I consider to be the most inspirational 15 minutes in radio. Also during the 7:15 to 7:30 a.m. Monday through Friday quarter hour, Bev "Heartwarmer" Larson's program and Rev. Jim Chruchwell's Good Morning Devotions are also aired. I have also heard many praises (and commented about it many times) of these two much longer running segments of my show, Bev's Heartwarmer feature and Rev. Jim's touching commentary on the Word of God. I am so blessed, honored, and proud to have Madison, Bev, and Rev. Jim for my "Quarter Hour of Inspiration" each weekday morning. Check it out, Monday through Friday from 7:15 to 7:30, and be blessed!

Until next time, I leave you with my love :O) and a prayer that God will bless you with a "great day"!


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