Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Power of Prayer

Not a day goes by that my heart isn't touched in some warm way by the things the people who listen to my radio show and that I meet in the community say to me or do. Recently, I wished one of my most faithful listeners and Facebook friends, Lisa Anne Williams Goins, a happy birthday (Aug. 12th) and also learned that it was the anniversary of the birth of her dear late mother, Patricia Williams. I also sent Lisa a happy birthday wish on Facebook that day. Her reply to my message so touched my heart that I wanted to share it with the readers of this blog. Lisa's Facebook message to me is a prime example of why it is important that we pray for each other. Prayer is powerful. Here is Lisa's story.

Lisa recalled that when she and her sister Kim Young were little their mother would wake them up on their birthdays singing "Happy Birthday to You". When the girls grew up and left home, their mother would always call first thing on the morning of each of their birthdays and sing to them the happy birthday song. "I sure miss that," Lisa told me in her reply message.

Lisa said that in her prayers on the night before her birthday she told God how much she missed her mother's singing on her birthday and how that, knowing it was impossible, it would make her day to hear that familiar birthday song again. Lisa added, "I thanked Him for my blessings and went to sleep."

The following morning (her birthday), Lisa said that after she had put the kids on the school bus to start the new school year, her telephone rang and a lady on the other end of the line asked if it was Lisa that had answered. Lisa replied in the affirmative aand said that the caller immediately started singing "Happy Birthday" to her. "I cried and thanked the lady on the other end and told her how she made my day and she told me she loved me and my family. I didn't even ask her name," said Lisa. Then, as she hung up the phone, Lisa noticed on her caller ID that the call had been placed by one of the ladies of her church, Stuart Presbyterian. "She didn't know how that made me laugh, smile, and cry, but they were happy tears, for she was a part of answering my prayer from God," Lisa told me. Lisa recalled that the same lady had also said a prayer for her three years ago when she was diagnosed with melanoma. At her next doctor's visit, Lisa learned that the melanoma had been completely and successfully removed and that she would be fine.

"I believe in prayer and them being answered when it is the right time and I truly believe in angels," said Lisa, adding, "I have a personal one here in Patrick County and her name is Winky!"

Lisa told me in a later Facebook message that after her mother's death, she didn't want to celebrate her birthday anymore without her. Now she looks at it differently. "Now I have a new faith that it would be alright to enjoy the day again. I know she (her mother) is still with me and my sisters and brothers just like she promised," Lisa concluded.

Thanks to Lisa for listening and for sharing that very touching example of how our prayers for each other can make all the difference in the world. Let's all lift each other up in prayer, including our loved ones, friends, neighbors, leaders, and, especially, those around us who are less fortunate than we are. Prayer is powerful.

Each day on "The Great Day in the Morning Show" (M-F 6-10 a.m.) I honor prayer requests and also share words of praise that my listeners report to me. If you would like to add a name to the morning show prayer list or share with my audience your words of praise for God's blessings in your life, call me at (276) 694-3388, email me at, fax your prayer or praise requests to (276) 694-2241, write me at WHEO, 3824 Wayside Rd., Stuart, VA 24171, send me a message on Facebook, of just tell me in person. I often scribble down prayer requests on paper napkins, the palm of my hand, or anything I have handy to write on. Let's surround those in need in our community with a wall of prayer. As Lisa Anne Williams Goins well knows... there is power in prayer!

Keep me in yours,

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