Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Tinier "Tumbleweed"

To live a healthy lifestyle takes real courage and committment. A stunning example of that determination is the lifestyle change that has been made during the last six months by my friend Tim Collins. Tim is widely known throughtout this area and in the local music community as the former host of the WHEO "Saturday Morning Back Porch Bluegrass Show." His radio nickname was "Tumbleweed." Tim, an avid bluegrass music fan, is a loving husband, father of 5 children, and a concerned citizen who is involved in his community. He is highly involved as a leader in the Boy Scouts and is heads the citizens' organization known as "Friends of Fairystone," a support group for Fairystone State Park.

Physically, Tim, whom I love and respect as a friend and former colleague, has been obese ever since I've know him. In fact, Tim was once so huge that he could hardly queeze into the small WHEO control room. During a recent homecoming interview on my morning talk show "Community Conversation", Tim told me that the weighing devices at his doctor's office lacked the capacity to determine his actual body weight as he always maxed out the scales. In order to get an accurate measurement of his weight, Tim asked and was granted permission to be weighed on the highly-accurate industrial scales at a local recycling business. Whooooa! Tim weighted a whopping 451 pounds!

With a strong desire to improve his own well-being and to be healthier and more active husband and father, Tim decided to do something about his obesity. He determined in February of this year to make a complete lifestyle change. Tim was introduced to the Isometrics Diet and became involved in a competitive weight loss program offered by this "billion dollar" company. In the 6-month period of the competition, Tim lost 115 pounds, earning him and his wife Janie a trip to California where he competed in the finals of the competition. Although he began the competition a month later than other competitors, Tim narrowly missed winning the competition, placing second and earning a substantial cash consolation prize. Since he began his lifestyle change last winter, Tim has lost 150 pounds. On the morning of our Tue., Aug. 25th interview, "Tumbleweed" Tim dropped below 300 pounds for the first time. "I was so excited" at reaching that milestone, Tim said in our radio interview. Tim said he is still considered obsese but he is proud of how far he has come in such a short time and plans to persevere.

In shedding all those pounds, Tim has supplemented his rigid diet with increased physical activity. He rouinely walks 3-4 miles over some rough terrain along the trails at his beloved Fairystone Park. Tim told me that he has targeted joining the 200 pound weight loss club by the end of this year. Seeing the determination in his eyes and the newfound vigor on his face during our interview, I am certain that the Tumbleweed will soon accomplish his personal goal.

As one who has come to appreciate the benefits of fitness and proper diet in recent years and one who works out regularly, I am amazed at what my friend Tim has been able to accomplish. Obesity is a national epidemic spread across the age spectrum. I highly commend Tim Collins for setting a great example for others who are battling the growing problem and facing the health risks associated with obesity. Tim case is a case study of we can do if we believe in our cause and pursue our mission with our full vigor and determination. I'm proud of you Tim! Maintain your passion and stay the course, buddy, and, in the words of an old western classic, "keep drifting along with the tumbling tumbleweeds."

Lots of love all,

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