Friday, November 20, 2009

Keep CHRIST in Christmas!

I would like to publicly commend Grace Baptist Church for its efforts to keep "Christ" in Christmas! Hearing news reports that the White House will have a "holiday tree"" as opposed to the traditional Christmas tree, the church purchased 100 "Merry Christmas" badges and is selling them for #1 each with proceeds going to the church building fund, according to member and friend Betsy Wilds. I'm wearing one, proudly and wishing everyone a "Merry Christmas"!

In these times of political correctness when the government and society tries not to offend anyone, it often seems that our society tries to take God out of our culture altogether. That very much offends me! Even though I fail Him every day, it is in GOD that I trust and upon JESUS that I depend for my salvation!

Let's resist these persistent efforts to take God out of our schools, institutions, and society and stop this movement to take CHRIST out of Christmas. Christ is Christmas! The birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, is the very essence of the Christmas season. This 'happy holidays' greeting is humbug. How can any holiday or any other day be happy without Christ in your life and without the joy that all Christians should feel in knowing that by trusting in Christ, by the grace of God, we have eternal life. That is something to be "merry" about in Christ. So I say very loudly and clearly....MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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