Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Buttermilk Boy

I hate buttermilk but I was happy to have the opportunity to drink some more Friday evening, May 15th when we finally exceeded out goal at the American Cancer Society Relay for Life Radio-thon, "Twelve Hours for a Cure III", on WHEO Radio, 1270 AM, Stuart, VA. The buttermilk thing has become a tradition associated with this annual event that is now three years old. Yuuuucccckkkk! But Yeeaaaahhhhhh! We did it again! Thanks to the generosity and caring of Patrick County citizens and our neighbors we raised $10,500 (topping the $10,000 goal) during the radio-thon. How blessed we were to raise that kind of money in a county that has been devastated by job losses and economic hardship even before the recession went national. It was a wonderful day of fellowship, fun, food, and live entertainment provided by more than 50 of the finest most caring singers and musicians in the world who make their home right here in our community. To the many people of our community who came together for this the talented singers and musicians who gave of their the wonderful citizens who attended the WHEO open house to show their support for our the army of volunteers who worked tirelessly througout the day to make the radio-thon all those who listened faithfully throughout the day....and, most of all, to God who blessed us and communed with us all day long, this "buttermilk boy" would like to sincerely thank you all! As a result of our efforts, I honestly believe we have moved a step closer to a cancer-free tomorrow.

P.S. Please continue to keep my dear friend ~Shannon Stowe and her family in your prayers. :O) During the day of the radio-thon, Shannon underwent surgery in Winston-Salem, NC, to remove an early stage one melanoma and was able to return to Stuart and to enjoy the last few hours of the radio-thon with her family and all of us at the radio-station. Let's all pray that Shannon will get a cancer-FREE post surgery report from her doctor on Wednesday. God bless Shannon and all the others who have faced this disease in all its many forms courageously, optimistically, and victoriously!

Thanks and God bless you all.

All my love :O),

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