Thursday, May 14, 2009

Twelve Hours for a Cure!

This Friday, May 15th, WHEO Radio is putting regular business aside in order to devote our full attention to a great cause. We are asking the people of Patrick County to join us in the fight against cancer on this day. "Twelve Hours for a Cure III"...the WHEO Radio-thon for the benefit of the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life...will air from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday. Local volunteers will assist the WHEO staff in conducting the radio-thon. Telephone operators will be on duty throughout the day taking your tax-decuctible contributions. The telephone numbers are (276) 694-3114, 694-3115, 694-3388, 694-2138, 692-4263, 692-4264, 692-4265, and 692-4266.

The 3rd annual Relay for Life Radio-thon will feature live entertainment by more than 50 of the area's finest singers and musicians...on air interviews with cancer survivors and caregivers...and appearances by regional and local American Cancer Society officials and volunteers.

Please come and join us throughout the day at your convenience. In conjunction with the radio-thon, WHEO will hold open house all day. Stop by and enjoy free food, drinks, desserts, great live entertainment, and plenty of down home fellowship. The entertainment line-up will include Vernon Harris, Denny Archer, Jackie Belcher, Jim Shelor, Sue Nester, the CeltHix, Debbie Bennett, One Accord, the Glory Road Singers, Bill Banks, Cecil Hall and the Dominion Bluegrass Boys, Tommy Nichols, Michael Ray Fain, Barry Collins, Jason Harris, the Downtown Boys, Tina, Herbert, and Katherine Conner, the Over the Hill Gang, Cornerstone Grass, and others.

"Twelve Hours for a Cure III" is being presented by the WHEO Relay for Life team, the Kilowatts for a Cure in memory of my late wife Sandra Merritt Rogers, who died of cancer two years ago. Thanks to the musicians, volunteers, and these and other contributors: Honduras Coffee Company, Stuart Communications, On the Run, Foley's Autoville, Little Caesars, Moody Funeral Home, and Community Funeral Home. Thanks most of all to the many caring Patrick Countians who are supporting our efforts to fight cancer with their time, talents, and prayers. On this day our community comes together united in our efforts to realize our dream of a cancer-free tomorrow. Please pray that God will bless these efforts richly. Thank you so much.


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